Training & Consulting, additional Services

Documentation needs a Foundation — we teach competence
TD&DS is not just prepared to compile your technical documentation, we can also help when you want to build up company internal documentation know-how — world-wide on your company premises or in our training rooms.
In addition to our main activities in the areas of technical documentation and illustrations, we also offer our competence in the field of training and consultancy.
We will impart knowledge of the requirements of international guidelines (e.g. ATA 100, ATA 2000/2100, ATA iSpec 2200 etc.) and special aircraft manufacturer as well as service center procedures. Furthermore we offer valuable assistance in optimizing the processes of your company internal technical documentation (software design, software extensions, templates, content management, etc.) and on current subjects such as SGML-documentation and data integration.
Use our experience and enhance your internal documentation competence — we will help you.
Our additional services comprise:
- Software Development
- Database Definition and -Development
- Development of Templates
- Training and Consulting in the fields of Technical Documentation, Generation and Maintenance of Data, Information Management